Here you will find the reports from our last OFSTED & SIAMS inspections.
To see our current Key Stage Results, please visit the Key Stage Results page.
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Ditton CE Junior School was inspected by Ofsted in October 2019 and graded as Requires Improvement overall with Good in two areas.
This grade reflects the journey to improve that we are on, but also all the improvements we have embedded within the school over the last two years. Many of the outcomes relate to the ongoing improvements and embedding of new staff, others we have already started working on with all teachers being trained in synthetic phonics and a more rigorous recording procedure for physical restraint is in place. This grade is also reflective of our last SATS results that are improving.
We were delighted that the report recognised:
- “Behaviour is positive around the school and in lessons.”
- “Leaders want the best for all pupils”
- “The leadership team is now stronger and ready to make the necessary improvements.”
- “A wide range of clubs and activities are well attended by pupils, including those with SEND.”
- “These help pupils become well-rounded citizens.”
We have a solid foundation of teaching and learning this year from which to build and are continuing our improvement of reading which was our focus from September this year. However we are delighted to have achieved Good in both Personal Development and Behaviour and Attitudes as this shows that developing our curriculum around the values for children’s development is effective, and children enjoy coming to school which means they can access the whole curriculum learning.
“ The school is a united community through its Christian vision.”
Ditton was pleased to receive a positive inspection in November 2023
Our most recent SIAMS report found that:
- Pupils and adults value the time spent collectively worshipping together as it affirms the school vision
- The Christian vision has transformed the life of the school
- Pupils are nurtured at the school. They are valued, cared for and known very well.